Lenka Cisárová: TÍ MILOVANÍ
Cyklus "Tí milovaní" zobrazuje mojich rodičov, sestru a priateľa sediacich na pohovke alebo kresle. Maľba v životnej veľkosti je doplnená o projekciu, symbolizujúcu blikanie televíznej obrazovky. Inštalácia tak evokuje atmosféru, akoby sa namaľované osoby skutočne dívali na TV. Zároveň tak umiestňuje diváka do role pozorovaného, ako keby nebolo možné inak získať pozornosť týchto ľudí.
Inštalácia „Panelák“ predstavuje minimalistické video, zobrazujúce každodennú realitu sledovania televízie z druhej strany - zvonku. Vykresľuje panelák v hre svetiel, blikajúcich v rytme televízneho vysielania.
"Panelák", video, loop 3:46 min, 2008
"Priateľ", akryl na plátne + videoprojekcia, 145x170, 2008
"Rodičia", akryl na plátne + videoprojekcia, 145x180, 2008
"Sestra", akryl na plátne + videoprojekcia, 145x170, 2010
My work "Those Beloved" portrays my parents, sister and boyfriend sitting on a sofa or in an armchair. The realistic man-sized painting is completed by a light projection symbolizing the flashing screen of a television. Therefore the installation evokes the atmosphere of the painted people really watching TV. At the same time, it literally puts the perceiver inside the TV, as if there is no other way to get the attention of these people.
Subject-matter "Those Beloved" is expressed in my relatives as my beloved ones. They are big in life-size and they are watching towards the front. I am looking at them, but they are not looking at me. Where are they looking? What did get their attention? That will tell us added light projected on this painting. The light is shimmering and flashing...it is a TV. And it is so. Painted characters are sitting on a couch watching TV. This is how they spend their evenings with their beloved flashing thing. It makes a very particular intensity as we are being in front of the TV but they are also viewers so their view moves us to the location of "being in the TV".